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Welcome Jill Espinoza

We would like to introduce you to the newest member of our team,…
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Impacts of Smoking on Healing Following Surgery

Approximately 20% of the population smokes.  Even though everyone…
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Georgia Increase in Weekly Workers’ Compensation Benefits

Recent Legislative Changes to Workers’ Compensation in Georgia. For…
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Workers’ Compensation and The Dangers of Social Media

Have you ever had the feeling that someone is watching you?  You…
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Is Workers’ Compensation My Only Remedy?

You were injured at work and it was not your fault.  You…
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What is Utilization Review and How Does it Affect My Claim?

If you have suffered a work related injury, you may have received…
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How to Handle Delays in Authorizing Medical Treatment

How many times have you gone to the doctor and he/she has recommended…
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One Call & Align Networks Accused of Receiving Improper Payments for Therapy Referrals

Attorneys and providers in Georgia will be watching to see what…
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Heart Attack- Strokes and Work Related Injuries- Are they covered by Georgia Workers’ Compensation?

Did you suffer a heart attack or stroke at work? If so, you may…
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Georgia Court of Appeals says, A Third Party Insurer Must Pay Damages Not Covered by Workers’ Compensation

The Georgia Court of Appeals agreed with a trial judge that the…
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Georgia Workers’ Compensation Claims and Surveillance

It is not uncommon for someone receiving workers’ compensations…
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Repetitive Stress Injury Claims are Compensable under Georgia Workers’ Compensation

The term Repetitive strain injury (RSI) is used to describe pain…