Welcome Jill Espinoza
We would like to introduce you to the newest member of our team,…

Impacts of Smoking on Healing Following Surgery
Approximately 20% of the population smokes. Even though everyone…

Georgia Increase in Weekly Workers’ Compensation Benefits
Recent Legislative Changes to Workers’ Compensation in Georgia.

Workers’ Compensation and The Dangers of Social Media
Have you ever had the feeling that someone is watching you? You…

Is Workers’ Compensation My Only Remedy?
You were injured at work and it was not your fault. You…

What is Utilization Review and How Does it Affect My Claim?
If you have suffered a work related injury, you may have received…

How to Handle Delays in Authorizing Medical Treatment
How many times have you gone to the doctor and he/she has recommended…

One Call & Align Networks Accused of Receiving Improper Payments for Therapy Referrals
Attorneys and providers in Georgia will be watching to see what…

Heart Attack- Strokes and Work Related Injuries- Are they covered by Georgia Workers’ Compensation?
Did you suffer a heart attack or stroke at work? If so, you may…

Georgia Court of Appeals says, A Third Party Insurer Must Pay Damages Not Covered by Workers’ Compensation
The Georgia Court of Appeals agreed with a trial judge that the…

Georgia Workers’ Compensation Claims and Surveillance
It is not uncommon for someone receiving workers’ compensations…

Repetitive Stress Injury Claims are Compensable under Georgia Workers’ Compensation
The term Repetitive strain injury (RSI) is used to describe pain…