
Summer Construction Update

During a typical Atlanta summer, you’d expect construction…
Top Nursing Injuries

Top Nursing Injuries

While nurses are now facing more risks than ever as they work…
Workers’ Comp FAQs

Workers’ Comp FAQs

Workers’ compensation can be a complicated subject, and it’s…
Can Car Crash Injuries Be Covered by Workers’ Comp

Can Car Crash Injuries Be Covered by Workers’ Comp?

While it may be more limited these days, travel is a part of…
What Is the Posted Panel of Physicians?

What Is the Posted Panel of Physicians?

While many folks are still working from home, others are going…
How the Construction Industry is Changing Due To Covid-19

How the Construction Industry is Changing Due To Covid-19

While many businesses are now beginning to open, or to plan openings…
Back At Work and I Caught Coronavirus

Back At Work and I Caught Coronavirus

As some businesses begin to reopen, or to again have workers…
What to Do if You Are Unemployed Due to Coronavirus

What to Do if You Are Unemployed Due to Coronavirus

Georgia is among the top three states with the highest unemployment…
Can Healthcare Workers and First Responders File for Workers’ Compensation if They Contract Coronavirus at Work
Workers’ Compensation Q&A for COVID-19

Workers’ Compensation Q&A for COVID-19

With all of the uncertainty surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic,…
Important Firm Update

Important Firm Update

Clients and Friends, As with most US businesses, we’re…
Am I Still Covered by Workers’ Compensation While Working From Home

Am I Still Covered by Workers’ Compensation While Working From Home?

As many workers stay home in order to help flatten the curve…