Does Workers’ Comp Cover PTSD?
For workers who experience or witness a traumatic event on the…

What Should You Look For In A Workers’ Comp Attorney?
While some injured workers choose to represent themselves…

Lifestyle Changes to Factor into Your Claim
After a workplace injury, your first thoughts are likely centered…

Work Injuries During Spring
While it’s welcome news for many that Daylight Saving Time…

Workers’ Compensation Benefits for Dependents
Worker deaths in Georgia have climbed over the years, rising…

Third Party Negligence
One of the upsides of the workers’ comp system is its no-fault…

Can Volunteers Get Workers’ Compensation?
Throughout the Atlanta area, volunteers add to the vibrancy and…

What Mistakes Should I Avoid When Filing A Workers’ Compensation Claim?
After a workplace injury, it can be challenging to stay on top…

Does Exposure to Mold Qualify for a Workers’ Comp Claim?
While we often think of mold as a residential issue—cropping…

My Workers’ Compensation Case Is Pending, Can I File for Bankruptcy?
While workers’ compensation provides many protections for people…

What to Do if You Were Injured at Work by Another Employee
When a coworker causes a workplace injury, it can be challenging…

How Scars and Disfigurement Impact Workers’ Comp Settlements
With many types of injuries, the recovery period is all consuming.…