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Is Workers’ Comp My Only Remedy?

Do you have a worker’s compensation injury that resulted from…
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Child Support Garnishment

Under Georgia Workers’ Compensation Law, workers’ compensation…
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Recent Changes to Georgia Workers’ Compensation

Under House Bill 154 signed into law by Governor Deal – there…
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An aggravation of a previous injury is a work-related injury

Often, Employers/Insurers deny claims on the basis that the Employee…
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When can an Employer/Insurer Controvert a Claim after Initial Payment?

Under Georgia law, when an Employer/Insurer initially accepts…
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Where will your hearing be held?

In Georgia, the following rules apply: If the injury occurred…
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Deposition of the Injured Worker

Under the Civil Practice Act, a party is entitled to take a deposition…
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Horseplay Defense

Generally, when an employee steps outside from his employment…
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Calculation of Average Weekly Wage with Concurrent Employment

Sometimes a worker may be disabled from more than one job because…
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Offers of Light Duty Work in Georgia Workers’ Compensation Claims

It is common, after a case has been accepted and the worker…
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Employers not subject to the Georgia Workers’ Compensation Act

Certain employers are not subject to the act. First, to be subject…
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Death Benefits

If death results from a work accident, the Employer/Insurer may…
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Attorney Fees

Unlike a typical personal injury claim, attorney fees are capped…
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Acts of God

A fellow attorney recently asked me whether his client, the decedent…
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Different Types of Disability Benefits under the Georgia Workers’ Compensation Act

There are three types of disability benefits under the…