“Reforms” Limit Workers’ Compensation Benefits for Injured Employees
In a recent article published by the NPR News Investigations…

Mediation and Workers’ Compensation Claims
Mediation is an avenue to resolve disputes in workers’ compensation…

Are Undocumented Workers Covered by Workers’ Compensation?
An estimated 5% of the workers in the United States are…

What do I do if I am injured on the job?
If you are injured on the job, you should report your injury…

Legalization of Marijuana and Workers’ Compensation
With the recent news that Senator Curt Thomas has filed legislation…

Occupational Diseases in the Workplace
With all the news today surrounding the cases of healthcare workers…

Should I allow a nurse case manager on my workers’ compensation case?
NO! I am often meeting with clients who have already had a nurse…

Is Workers’ Comp My Only Remedy?
Do you have a worker’s compensation injury that resulted from…

Child Support Garnishment
Under Georgia Workers’ Compensation Law, workers’ compensation…

Recent Changes to Georgia Workers’ Compensation
Under House Bill 154 signed into law by Governor Deal – there…

An aggravation of a previous injury is a work-related injury
Often, Employers/Insurers deny claims on the basis that the Employee…

When can an Employer/Insurer Controvert a Claim after Initial Payment?
Under Georgia law, when an Employer/Insurer initially accepts…