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“Reforms” Limit Workers’ Compensation Benefits for Injured Employees

In a recent article published by the NPR News Investigations…
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Mediation and Workers’ Compensation Claims

Mediation is an avenue to resolve disputes in workers’ compensation…
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Are Undocumented Workers Covered by Workers’ Compensation?

Yes. An estimated 5% of the workers in the United States are…
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What do I do if I am injured on the job?

If you are injured on the job, you should report your injury…
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Legalization of Marijuana and Workers’ Compensation

With the recent news that Senator Curt Thomas has filed legislation…
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Occupational Diseases in the Workplace

With all the news today surrounding the cases of healthcare workers…
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Should I allow a nurse case manager on my workers’ compensation case?

NO! I am often meeting with clients who have already had a nurse…
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Is Workers’ Comp My Only Remedy?

Do you have a worker’s compensation injury that resulted from…
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Child Support Garnishment

Under Georgia Workers’ Compensation Law, workers’ compensation…
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Recent Changes to Georgia Workers’ Compensation

Under House Bill 154 signed into law by Governor Deal – there…
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An aggravation of a previous injury is a work-related injury

Often, Employers/Insurers deny claims on the basis that the Employee…
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When can an Employer/Insurer Controvert a Claim after Initial Payment?

Under Georgia law, when an Employer/Insurer initially accepts…